Visiting professors

Join Europubhealth+ as a visiting professor!

Applications for the 2026 edition are open until 31st May 2025. Four teaching positions are available.

At the end of each academic year in June-July, the consortium invites international visiting professors to join the teaching team of the Europubhealth+ Integration Module at the EHESP School of Public Health in Rennes (France). Selected professors are awarded a grant (1.200€ per week) to cover the costs of their 4-week participation in the programme, entitled “Building innovative and sustainable solutions to global health challenges“.

By joining Europubhealth+, visiting professors get to:

  • share their experience through lectures and tutoring of a diverse group of international students
  • compare their vision of public health teaching with Europubhealth+ practices and bring new ideas to the Consortium
  • enlarge their professional network to collaborate on new projects in their public health areas of interest.

The visiting professors commit to:

  • Actively participating in the 3-week Integration module course’s activities (both academic and social activities)
  • Contributing to the design of the programme with the academic coordinators of the integration module through 3 to 4 on-line meetings and the preparation week in Rennes (the week ahead prior to students’ arrival). The design includes a case study proposal for group work, and at least one seminar and/or workshop’s proposal.
  • Tutoring and monitoring students’ group work on the case study proposal, leading and participating in relevant seminars or workshops, teaching specific classes (if relevant)
  • Participating in the assessment of students’ final projects and providing feedback on students’ work and final marks.
  • Contributing to the 2 day-career forum
  • Participating to the graduation ceremony (optional)
  • Writing a short report on the experience in the programme at the end of the stay

In order to apply for a 4-week teaching position in the Europubhealth+ Master programme, visiting professors must demonstrate:

  • PhD or recognised equivalent
  • Five-year experience in Education/Research
  • Expertise in Public Health
  • English Language proficiency
  • Interest in active or innovative training methods, transversal and soft skills
  • Added value they would bring to the programme and students

Interested candidates may send their application by email to, with the following supporting documents:

  • CV, including nationality and current place of residence and list of publications
  • Motivation letter/Application form, please use the template below

Applications are evaluated by the Europubhealth+ Selection Committees composed of the modules coordinators and representatives of all 8 consortium member institutions.

We invite you to submit your application by answering a series of questions on the

Application guidelines form

Before submitting this application, ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed the integration module description and understand the role of visiting professors.

On that website page, you will also find testimonials and statements provided by former visiting professors.

Testimonials from former visiting professors at the Integration Module in Rennes

2023 Aduragbemi Banke Thomas

“I also had the privilege to share my ongoing research on with the wider community at EHESP, Rennes.”

“As part of the role, I was involved in developing the curriculum for the integration module, design a case study […]. I delivered a 3-hour lecture and workshop on Theory of Change and Logic Models in Global Health.”

Lourdes Renes e1742290410728

“The opportunity to collaborate with distinguished colleagues, engage with diverse students, and contribute to cutting-edge teaching motivated me to apply.”

“Professionally, the Visiting Professor position at EPH expanded my teaching experience and my research network and provided valuable collaborative opportunities, leading to several potential joint research papers. I gained fresh perspectives on AI applications through interdisciplinary engagements and improved my teaching skills by adapting to a new academic environment. Personally, the experience enriched my cultural understanding and enhanced my ability to work in diverse settings. Living in Rennes allowed me to immerse myself in French culture, broadening my horizons and fostering personal growth. The friendships and professional connections I made during this tenure are invaluable and will have a lasting impact on my career and personal life.”


“I think the programme is an amazing opportunity to work with students with a global background and in this way it is unique.”

“I made wonderful new professional connections with the other professors as well as with the staff at EHESP, the unofficial talks and the discussions were of great value to me both professionally and personally. They also led to some publication and new project ideas, which I hope will soon come to fruition. (…) Beyond that it was amazing to learn about the experiences of my students, the great work that they have already been doing and all that they are planning to do more. I am definitely invigorated and energized to continue our work due to this experience.”

olena testimonio e1714463731637

“This experience enhanced my teaching skills and challenged me to adapt to a new educational environment”

“It was very enriching to work in a team of professors to develop case studies and workshops as well as jointly discuss the performance of students and grading criteria. […] I have valued the exchange and interaction we had between visiting professors and faculty staff. It was very enlightening to see the different fields they work in and the research methods they apply. In addition, sharing experiences about writing grant proposals and managing the “academic life” created a supportive environment. It was also insightful to discuss with colleagues their academic pathways after graduating from Europubhealth. Moreover, I have learned a lot from students, for example, the creative forms they used for a final presentation of their group work.”

sara testim

“Overall, I had a great experience during the Integration Module and I think it is an invaluable part of the EPH experience.”

“Getting together with students from both cohorts and all universities makes that time extremely fun and energizing. I remember this from my own time as a student, and I also could feel it even now in my capacity as a professor. They are an extremely unique and special offering that you could not get in most other MPH programs, and I think this is one of the things that makes the EPH so very special.”

Amos e1714464596891

“The approach unleashed the innovation and ingenuity of students, way beyond my expectation”

“It was very heart-warming to see students put what they had learnt into practice – within a very limited time frame.”


“I have truly enjoyed interacting with students from around the world, discussing the subject matter, and collaborating with visiting professors.”

“I have been working with the students to guide them through the project development process with a focus on fairness and inclusivity, particularly in relation to a case study on the Roma community in Europe. Persistent discrimination has led to inequalities. Additionally, I successfully introduced a workshop on identity that was positively received by the students. While developing this framework, I have collaborated with experts on the Theatre of the Oppressed Forum Theatre, exploring concepts of power and equity.”


It was fascinating to see students from different backgrounds working together.”

“Watching these individuals collaborate in three groups on an Ethiopia food malnutrition project, to develop a well-thought-out research proposal that could be used in the country was truly inspiring.”


“It was a very interesting experience to work with students coming from so many different backgrounds and World regions.”

“Our task as visiting professors was to coach the students to develop project proposals in small groups in the case of my groups related to the scenario addressing social inequities in LGBTIQ health and healthcare. I think they did an amazing job taking into account that it is not so easy to work together as a group for the first time. In the project proposals and final presentations finally, I gave a talk on Research epistemologies methodologies and ethics in public health research specifically in the field of intersex studies and I participated in a round table and workshop in the career days.”

“I would like to highlight the good communication with the coordination team the other visiting professors and the students.”


“The valuable human interactions and exposure to diverse cultures during these exchanges are incredibly enriching and leave a lasting impression on the students.”

“First of all, I implemented a learning approach like Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in my teaching at our Institute. I am pleased with the positive impact this training had on both first and second-year students during their stages at various universities within Europubhealth. This initiative deserves recognition as it is shaping future public health professionals who will lead with great social awareness.”

“I am very satisfied and grateful for the valuable experience. I am thankful for the opportunity provided and strongly recommend the continuation and expansion of this programme due to its significant role in shaping our future public health leaders.”

Donald Willison

“In the years to come, I will look back fondly on my participation in the Europubhealth+ Integration Module.”

“I am also struck by the care and concern of the faculty and staff both for the students, for one another, and for the visiting professors. It has been wonderful to get to know all of you over the past 3 weeks. I have come to appreciate the many-stories that make up the lives of the students, faculty, and staff I have come to know.”

“I have also been extremely impressed with the dedication of the Europubhealth students and the care and mutual support that you have for one another. You are truly developing life-long friendships. I look forward to hearing your stories in upcoming years of the innovative and imaginative things that you will be doing in your careers.”

Justine Blanford

Visiting Professor: 2025

Chair GeoHealth

Vice Chair Department Earth Observation Sciences

Master Director of Geo-Information Science & Earth observation Education

University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands)

Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus e1742284631618

Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus

Visiting Professor: 2025

Professor of Psychology

Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro

and Foundation Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ)

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Margaret Kaseje e1742285051397

Margaret Kaseje

Visiting Professor: 2025

Chief Executive Officer

Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development

Professor of Health Policy

Great Lakes University, Kisumu, Kenya

Adjunct Professor for Health Policy & Planning and International Health

Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs, Goma, The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Juan Nicolas Pena Sanchez e1742285183698

Juan-Nicolas Peña Sanchez

Visiting Professor: 2025

Associate Professor

Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

University of Saskatchewan (Canada)

EuroPubHealth alumnus 2008-2010 cohort (Granada-Krakow)

Lourdes fondo e1742286552635

Lourdes Cantarero Arevalo

Visiting Professor: 2024

Associate professor in Social and Clinical Pharmacy Research Group

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Alumna from Europubhealth 2011-2013 cohort (Sheffield/Rennes)

Igor Grabovac

Igor Grabovac

Visiting Professor: 2024

Resident Physician in Public Health

Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Alumnus from Europubhealth 2011-2013 cohort (Sheffield/Rennes)

Henock 2

Henock B. Taddese

Visiting Professor: 2024

Principal Teaching, Fellow of Public Health
Imperial College
London, United Kingdom

Alumnus from Europubhealth 2008-2010 cohort (Sheffield/Copenhagen)

Biraj e1742289422373

Biraj Karmacharya

Visiting Professor: 2024

Administrative Director

Dhulikhel Hospital

Associate Professor

School of Medical
Sciences, Kathmandu University, Nepal

Alumnus from Europubhealth 2011-2013 cohort (Sheffield/Rennes)

Adura testimonio e1742291449711

Aduragbemi Banke-Thomas, PhD

Visiting Professor: 2023

Associate Professor in Global Maternal Health

University of Greenwich, London (United Kingdom)

Alumnus from Europubhealth 2011-2013 cohort


Sara E. Fischer, PhD

Visiting Professor: 2023

Assistant Professor of Public Health

University of Puget Sound (USA)

Alumnus from Europubhealth 2009-2011 cohort


2023 Kaushik Chattopadhyay

Kaushik Chattopadhyay, PhD

Visiting Professor: 2023

Associate Professor in Evidence Based Healthcare

School of Medicine, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Alumnus from Europubhealth 2006-2008 cohort


2023 Olena Ivanova

Olena Ivanova, PhD

Visiting Professor: 2023

Research and Scientific Project Manager

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany)

Alumnus from from Europubhealth 2012-2014 cohort


Amets Suess Schwend

Amets Suess, CPhD Social

Visiting Professor: 2022

Anthropology specialized in trans and intersex studies, human rights and research epistemologies, methodologies and ethics.

Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain)


Nita Chaudhuri, Ph.D.

Visiting Professor: 2022
Environmental Health specialist
American University of Paris (France)
Maastricht University (NL)
BRAC University (Bangladesh)

Ilse Mesters

Visiting Professor: 2022
Associate professor of Health Promotion and Epidemiology
Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
Hugo Pilkington

Hugo Pilkington

Director of the UFR Territories – Environment - Societies and Associate Professor at the Geography Department. Paris 8 University. France

Carla Perrotta, MD, MSc, PhD

Visiting Professor: 2021
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences, Ireland
University College Dublin

Pedrag Duric

Visiting professor: 2020/2021
University of Wolverhampton (UK)
Medical doctor, epidemiologist, and public health Expert
James C. Thomas, BSc, MPH, MA, PhD

James C. Thomas, BSc, MPH, MA, PhD

Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Director, Measure Program, Carolina Population Center University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Amos Laar, BSc, MPH, MA, PhD

Amos Laar, BSc, MPH, MA, PhD

Bioethicist, and Associate Professor of Public Health, at the University of Ghana. He has received academic training in Nutrition, Public Health, and Bioethics
Jose Belizan, MD, PhD

Jose Belizan, MD, PhD

Researcher of the Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS). Department of Mother & Child Health Research. Argentina
Huy Nguyen Van, PhD

Huy Nguyen Van, PhD

Centre Statistician / Bioinformatician at the Health Innovation Transformation Centre, Federation University. Researcher at the Department of Health Management and Organization, Institute for Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University. Vietnam.
Helyett Wardavoir

Helyett Wardavoir

Coordinator of cross sectional projets/ Head of Art therapy department at HELB-IP Brussels / Research center in health and ethics (HELESI Health ethics Law and Social Issues Brussels). Belgium
Hamzeh Alzabadi

Hamzeh Alzabadi

Coordinator of the Master of Public Health Program. An-Najah National University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Public Health and Community Medicine Department, in Nablus. Palestine
Sonya Gracey

Sonya Gracey

Assistant Professor of public health/health leadership. School of Nursing/School of Public Health - University of Victoria. Canada
Jessica Mudry, PhD

Jessica Mudry, PhD

Assistant Professor - Acting Undergraduate Program Director. Ryerson University of Toronto. Canada
Jesus Ramirez_Valles, PhD

Jesus Ramirez_Valles, PhD

Visiting professor: 2016 Professor and Director of Community Health Sciences – Chicago School of Public Health University of Illinois (USA)
Darryl Brown, PhD

Darryl Brown, PhD

Darryl Brown Director of Dr PH Program in Health Policy and Social Justice. Department of Health Management and Policy. Drexel University School of Public Health Philadelphia, USA
Sengchanh Kounnavong, PhD

Sengchanh Kounnavong, PhD

Head of Health Research Division. National institute of Public Health, Ministry of Health. Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
Marlyn Delva, EdD

Marlyn Delva, EdD

Marlyn Delva Associate Dean and Dean of Students - Lecturer Department of Epidemiology. Mailman School of Public Health - Columbia University. New York, USA
Linda F. Cushman, PhD

Linda F. Cushman, PhD

Associate Dean for Field Practice and Professor of Population and Family Health. Mailman School of Public Health - Columbia University. New York, USA
Donald Willison, BSc, MSc, ScD

Donald Willison, BSc, MSc, ScD

Associate Professor, Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, Joint Centre for Bioethics, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Toronto, Canada
Amy L. Fairchild, PhD

Amy L. Fairchild, PhD

Amy Fairchild Professor of Sociomedical Sciences Mailman School of Public Health – Columbia University New York, USA
Julie Covington, EdD

Julie Covington, EdD

Asst. Professor of Dietetics; Dietetic Internship Program Director Lenoir-Rhyne University Hickory North Carolina, USA
Jimoh Amzat, PhD

Jimoh Amzat, PhD

Professor at Department of Sociology Usmanu Dan Fodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria
Robert I. Field, J.D, PhD

Robert I. Field, J.D, PhD

Professor of Law and Professor of Health Management and Policy School of Law and School of Public Health - Drexel University Philadelphia, USA
John P. Allegrante, PhD

John P. Allegrante, PhD

John Allegrante Professor of Health Education. Associate Vice President for International Affairs. Fulbright Program Advisor and Campus Representative Teachers College Columbia University. New York, USA
Adriana Cavalcanti de Aguiar, PhD

Adriana Cavalcanti de Aguiar, PhD

Professor. Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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